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Welcome to HardBeauty


We offer a brave space for those navigating the storms of life, recognizing that each person’s path is unique, and we are here to support you, wherever you are on your journey to recovery and healing.
We believe in the transformative power of community and connection. Here, you are welcomed with open arms, exactly as you are. This is not AA or NA – this is a place where whole-life recovery is embraced and celebrated.

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The Recovery Coaching Playground is designed to enhance the skills of peer support professionals. Focused on the principles of Motivational Interviewing, this course equips recovery coaches with effective communication techniques to inspire positive behavioral change in individuals on their recovery journey.

Participants will learn practical strategies for building rapport, fostering motivation, and guiding individuals towards self-discovery and commitment to change.

This course not only strengthens the capabilities of peer recovery coaches but also cultivates an environment of empathy and collaboration, ultimately contributing to more impactful and supportive recovery coaching relationships.