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Welcome to HardBeauty


We offer a brave space for those navigating the storms of life, recognizing that each person’s path is unique, and we are here to support you, wherever you are on your journey to recovery and healing.
We believe in the transformative power of community and connection. Here, you are welcomed with open arms, exactly as you are. This is not AA or NA – this is a place where whole-life recovery is embraced and celebrated.

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Recovery Dharma is a Buddhist-based, peer-led and non-theistic approach to recovery. Meetings include meditations, literature and sharing on Buddhist principles and their application to recovery. See www.recoverydharma.org   PDF of book will be provided during meeting if needed.

Order book on Amazon: Recovery Dharma: How to Use Buddhist Practices and Principles to Heal the Suffering of Addiction: Recovery Dharma: 9781086040005: Amazon.com: Books