Our team strives to represent true professionalism and authenticity.

All our coaches are credentialed Peer Recovery Coaches
with Choices or CCAR.

Why Should I Care?
There is no legal requirement or governance at the state level in Colorado for someone who calls themselves a "Peer Recovery Coach" to have education or training in the field to provide support.

Credentials mean a lot.
They show that the person you choose to trust during a vulnerable moment in life has met professional standards in behavioral health, along with their lived recovery experience.

HardBeauty peers go above and beyond in educational excellence by pursuing the top certifications available for the profession in Colorado.
Our mission is to empower people to RISE and THRIVE beyond their circumstances. Every day we serve those in challenging situations using a just, inclusive, equity-grounded, trauma-informed, healing-centered approach.

We envision a world where all people heal. Our purpose is to bring hope, healing, and guided direction to those navigating recovery and life.

Our community is built from people with living experience in recovery, giving us a deep understanding of the obstacles that come with building a sustainable recovery.
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