Racquel is an expert Interventionist, Recovery Coach, expert trainer, presenter and entrepreneur. She founded HardBeauty in 2019 with the mission of empowering people to rise and thrive beyond their circumstances through a trauma-informed healing-centered approach. At the root of all of her work, Racquel believes that building community and exploring all pathways are the basis of thriving in a life of recovery.

Prior to founding HardBeauty and HardBeauty Foundation, Racquel created Helping Everyone Recover, a non-profit, to help people rebuild after the Black Forest Fire in southern Colorado in 2014. She continues to expand HardBeauty and offer her expertise to organizations nationwide while working individually with countless people, helping them to build rewarding and joyful lives.

Racquel serves on the Colorado Behavioral Health Administration Advisory Council, is a nationwide subject matter expert speaker on peer recovery and addiction treatment and serves on the board of the National Naloxone Project & M.O.M. (Maternal Overdose Matters) initiative with Dr. Don Stader. Racquel lives in Larkspur, Colorado with her husband, her four children and her three bonus kids. She is a devoted and loving mother and thrives on giving back.

In her spare time, she LOVES being with her husband of 25 years, Chris. 4 Children, Jordan, Mackenzie, Jayden, Jesse and her bonus children Sabryna, Shea and Sebastyan. She loves her quiet Colorado Mountain home and small-town living

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